Flamenco women. International Women’s Day

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At Cardamomo we celebrate International Women’s Day in the best way: with lots of flamenco! Through this post we highlight the value of flamenco women.

Flamenco women: creators and referents

The history of flamenco is marked by the appearance of figures who have contributed their own style and way of performing, each one being revolutionary in their respective disciplines. We find many women who have been references and who have taken flamenco all over the world, demonstrating the importance that women have in this art, not only as performers but also as creators.

Mujeres flamencas. Bailaora

Manuela Carrasco. Photo: Paco Manzano


These artists have been able to develop a very personal style, something that is highly valued by flamenco enthusiasts and professionals. They have adapted to the times they have lived in, always bringing new points of view with respect, but without fear.

Mujeres flamencas. Cantaoras.

Fernanda y Bernarda de Utrera. Photo: Paco Manzano

Role models

There are so many names of flamenco women who have become role models that the list would be endless. On many occasions we talk about women who have combined their professional careers with their personal situation as mothers.

Artists who have been part of the construction of flamenco as an art form, who took the first step to open the way for the rest. Women who have made history and women who continue to make history. At Cardamomo we are lucky to have many of them, such as Paula Rodríguez Lázaro, or our artistic director, Laura Abadía.

Mujeres flamencas

Laura Abadía at Cardamomo

Flamenco women who have built their own history.


We are talking about women whose career makes us refer to them as legends. They are artists, creators, performers whose way of doing and understanding art has elevated them to this category. People who will always be remembered by the general public in the history of flamenco..

Mujeres flamencas. Lola Flores.

Lola Flores. Photo: Paco Manzano

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