Cardamomo Foundation
Promoting the Art of Flamenco.
Fundación Cardamomo was established to promote knowledge of flamenco art among the public of all ages and conditions. It is a space for meeting, knowledge and experience where emerging artists and children who want to be artists in the future can show their work.

A space dedicated to fostering flamenco appreciation among audiences of all ages.
Encouraging young and aspiring artists to showcase their talent and pursue their artistic journey.
Fundación Cardamomo was created to promote knowledge and appreciation of flamenco across all audiences. It serves as a meeting point for learning and artistic expression, where emerging artists and children with a passion for flamenco can present their work. By offering them a platform to perform, the foundation aims to inspire and motivate them to continue their artistic studies.
We bring Flamenco closer to the public of all ages
In each of the 4 shows of the program Flamenco is also a thing for children, the coexistence of the expression of Flamenco is encouraged for artists from 2 to 16 years of age accompanied by adults.

Committed to nurturing flamenco passion among the youngest generations, in October 2013, the foundation launched the first edition of El Flamenco También es Cosa de Niños (Flamenco is Also for Kids). This project’s main goal is to bring flamenco—recognized by UNESCO as Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity—into schools, making it more accessible to future generations.
To facilitate the training immersion in theoretical and practical concepts and to alleviate the participants’ stage fright, the program is designed to take place in a relaxed and friendly environment. All participants share and learn, the artist and the non-artist audience, the 2-year-old child and the 90-year-old grandfather. This openness also allows us to achieve another of the Cardamomo Foundation’s objectives: to show and participate in how the Art of Flamenco is transmitted and learned from parents to children, and is perpetuated and evolves from generation to generation.
The first edition of ‘Flamenco is also a Children’s Thing’ brought together on stage up to 3 generations of various flamenco dynasties. Artists of international stature attended such as Raimundo Amador, who introduced his 8-year-old granddaughter who is a singer; Tomatito, who shared the stage with his 8-year-old grandson who is a dancer; Miguel Rubio, who introduced his grandson Miguel de los Rubio, a 10-year-old guitarist; Pepito Montoyita came with his granddaughter La Montilla, a 2-year-old dancer and singer; Agustín Carbonell ‘El Bola’ accompanied two of his grandsons aged 2 and 5, both percussionists; Rafita de Madrid participated with his children aged 5, 7 and 13, the former being singers and the latter a percussionist; and Aurora Losada came with her daughter Chenoa, a 12-year-old singer.