

Buy tickets for the best flamenco show in Madrid

The magic and “el duende” have nested this month of June in the Cardamomo Tablao Flamenco. Four Saturdays, at full capacity, with a child and adult public enthralled by the child artists’ display of art and grace that have performed on our stage.

We have to thank the adults who have selflessly participated in this project and accompanied the children on stage. Thus, we have had Jorge Pardo, Juan Carmona Habichuela, Eva Armenteros, Enrique Heredia the Negri, Juan Valderrama, Antonio Carmona, Juan Verdu and Jose Luis Ortiz brimming with sympathy and humor as presenters; Isaac and Nino de los Reyes, Kelian Jiménez, Joni Jiménez, Bandolero and the family of the young artists, who have assisted the children with their music, singing, dancing and palms.

We have seen the lovely and young promise Chenoa Losada with her parents, Aurora Losada and Carlos Quirós, the 11 years old daughter of Saul Quirós, Arabia, the guitarist of 10 years, Miguel de los Rubios, with his grandfather and father, the singers Miguel Rubio and Antonio Ingueta, the great guitarist Pepito Montoyita together with his son Monty presenting her granddaughter the Montoyita, 2 years old dancer, and the magnificent dancer of 12 years, Rubén.

At the percussion, we have seen the 2 and 5 years old grandchildren of Agustín Carbonell el Bola, Pablo Rubén Maldonado’s son of 6 years, and the eldest son of Rafita de Madrid, who has accompanied his younger brothers, Lucas y Juan, the Rafitas.

Buy tickets for the best flamenco show in Madrid

Francisco Suero el Morito together with his son Morito accompanied his grandson Manuel, a 5-year-old dancer, and Diego el Cigala introduced us to his son Rafael Jiménez the Cigalita.

The flamenco art is transmitted from parents to children, but the exception proves the rule, and thus has been with José Bote Vargas, 5 years old that seemed the reincarnation of a great dancer.

The young guitarist Amos Lora and the singer Abraham Motos, both protagonists of the recently released documentary by Katerina Hager “Children of the Flamenco” have also shown us their art.

On Saturday, June 29th, we close this cycle with the 13 years old dancer, Juan Tomás de la Molía and with Raimundo Amador who introduced us to her granddaughter, 8 years old singer.

Four unforgettable Saturdays that have left in our retina and our memory images and sounds full of beauty and art.

And it is the commitment of Cardamomo the initiation of children into the Flamenco and, also, to offer to the children, who want to dedicate themselves to this art, a space where to showcase their work, helping to keep alive the spark and motivation.