Flamenco Gastronomy

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The food of the f​lamencos​ is recognized by the smell and taste…

But above all because of how much it feeds!

The Spanish proverb already warns us…

“What you eat is what you raise”

“Eat and drink that life is short.”

“With an empty belly no one shows joy.”

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Gastronomy and flamenco are linked. They are two types of art whose good combination results in an explosion of taste and pleasure for the senses.

Flamencos and flamencas have defined and enviable customs when sitting at the table.

Here are a few flamenco r​ecipes that will fill you with it spirit and energy:


This dish is flamenco and has Andalusian roots.

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You can find them in all the provinces of Andalusia, also in other corners of Spain, but there is no tavern in Seville without the delicious “Huevos a la flamenco”.

“Cuando seas padre comerás huevos” (Spanish expression “When you are a father you will eat eggs“)  that goes back to ancient times, when some families had hardly any food to put in their mouths. It is born with country people, who used to have one or two chickens at home for their own consumption. The eggs that these hens gave were reserved for the father, as a contribution of proteins so that he could carry out the day with as much energy as possible. The children of the house used to have a more impoverished diet, and obviously demanded to eat eggs, hence the expression “When you are a father you will eat eggs” as a response from the mother to the children.

We cannot make a list of ingredients for this recipe, because the “Huevos a la flamenca” are versatile and admit many varieties in its preparation.

What we can’t miss to prepare them are eggs, vegetables, salt and olive oil.

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They accept all types of vegetables: green beans, onions, asparagus, peas, beans, peppers, zucchini, aubergines, broccoli… Put together the vegetables you have at home, chop them in small pieces and make a sofrito.

To this you can add potato and meat that always gives it a tasty touch. They are usually made with chorizo or loin.

How are they prepared?

●  Cook the vegetables with boiling water or steamed, leaving them al dente.

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●  With these vegetables we make a sofrito in the frying pan, once the vegetables are crunchy (12-15 minutes) we add the meat or the sausage to the taste letting. It sauté with the vegetables so that the flavours are mixed.

●  Then add crushed tomato, if it is homemade better. But we can also use bottled

fried tomato (nowadays there are exquisite ones).

●  Something very characteristic and for which we all recognize this recipe is by

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the way of plating: The huevos a la flamenca are always served in crockpot.

●  Once we have the sauce, we spread it on the crockpot, we make a hole with the spoon and we crack the egg or the eggs inside the hole.

●  It is necessary to curdle the eggs in the oven at 180 oC with patience and affection. It is important to be careful to remove them when the yolk is still soft and the white totally white.

Flamenco eggs are one of those recipes that leave any person, whatever their origin, wanting to repeat. You can have it for lunch, dinner and even a great breakfast.

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In the origins of Flamenco something very characteristic among the neighbours who formed brotherhood and developed this art spontaneously was: ​To share the pot.

If you cooked in a house (​aviar)​ you didn’t count just the people who lived there, because the family expanded to the whole neighbourhood.

The contents of these pots, cooked most of the time by women, varied according to what was in the pantry each day. However, the pot was always hot and with substance to wet the bread.

Little by little, some foods were defined inside this dish that today we know with the name of Olla gitana.

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Perfect to spend an unlimited time with the family around the table, and warm up. A food that curiously gives rise to be started by ​cante jondo​ in the after-dinner.

What do you need to prepare a gypsy pot?

Extra virgin olive oil, salt and peppermint

300 gr. of chickpeas.

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300 gr. of white beans.
600 gr. of green flat beans. One pear.
1 parsnip or 3 carrots.
1 large tomato.
Half a pumpkin.
Ham (If it is Iberian better).

An onion or two onions, to taste. 3 cloves of garlic.
Sweet paprika from La Vera. Almonds (100 g).

Pine nuts.


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●  We put the chickpeas in a pot covering them completely with water. Cover the pot and let it boil for 10 minutes over medium heat.

●  Once the 10 minutes pass, add more hot water, and let it boil for another 10 minutes.

●  Then add the white beans and stir with a wooden spoon.

●  Pour cold water into the pot, cover it and let it boil for 15 minutes also over

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medium heat.

●  Cut the pear and the half pumpkin into small pieces and add them to the pot

with the green beans.

●  Mix everything, adding the dye and salt to taste.

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●  Add cold water until all foods are covered. Boil for 30 minutes over medium


●  In a frying pan plenty of olive oil, add the chopped bread and wait for it to brown

to add the almonds and garlic.

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●  Sauté for a few more minutes and place the ingredients in a mortar. Crush until

well chopped and reserve.

●  In the same frying pan, sauté the onion until it is browned with the chopped

tomato, on a low heat.

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●  Also, to low heat, we will let boil all the foods together.

●  Pour what you stung into the mortar along with the paprika.

●  Cook for a few minutes and after 30 minutes of cooking the pot with the

chickpeas, add this sofrito.

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●  Cover the pot and let it boil for five more minutes and serve the gypsy pot.

And all that’s left is to be hungry and want to enjoy a good gypsy pot!


This is another of the main flamenco recipe. Typical cuisine in Granada and specifically of the district that bears its name, El Sacromonte.

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Although it is very popular in Granada and it can be found in many bars as a tapa or servings, the Sacromonte tortilla is not a dish for all audiences.​

It is elaborated mainly with brains of ram or calf and criadillas, in addition to another type of casquería. Not all palates tolerate such strong flavours.

What do we need?

150 grams of brains (ram, veal or lamb).
150 grams of criadillas (ram, veal or lamb).
6 eggs.
Half a cup of peas.
150 grams of cured ham (From Trevelez if possible). 1 red pepper.
5 slices of chorizo.
3 or 4 potatoes.
Olive oil

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The origin of this dish can be found in the families of Sacromonte, mostly gipsy. This tortilla is linked to the gastronomic of the Catacombs of Sacromonte and to the patron saint San Cecilio, whose feast, in which this tortilla is never missing, is celebrated every year on February 1ST.

How is it prepared?

The first thing we must do is to clean and blanch all the remains that we are going to put to the tortilla in a saucepan of boiling water.

Once we have the food well cleaned, we cut it in squares and we sauté them in a frying pan (We must not lack brains and criadillas to make an authentic tortilla from Sacromonte).

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At the same time, cook the peas in a saucepan. Cut the potatoes into thin pieces and fry them in a frying pan plenty of olive oil.

The next step is to sauté the peas we have previously cooked together with the chorizo, the ham, the brains, the criadillas and the rest of the casquería or sausages we have wanted to add. We sauté everything and after 6-7 minutes we add the potatoes to the sofrito so that they are impregnated with the flavour of the mixture, although they are already fried.

Then, beat the eggs and mix them with marrow, moron pepper and all the food we have sautéed previously.

Finally, set the tortilla in the frying pan at low heat. Carefully and with love turn it over.

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Let it rest for a few minutes…

And now we can enjoy an authentic flamenco meal made in Granada!

We must not forget that there are many versions of the Sacromonte Tortilla, as in most traditional recipes, the dish adapts to the traditions and customs: There is breadcrumbs, walnuts and even almonds.

Do you dare with this flamenco food not suitable for the weak?

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Depending on the area of Spain, the recipe for migas (breadcrumbs) is different.

For example, in Castilla la Mancha the typical thing is to eat them with chorizo, pancetta and sausage.

In Almería, you will eat crumbs with fish and cucumber. They are also associated with rainy days. Curious, isn’t it?

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In western Andalusia they are accompanied with fried aubergines and grapes. And so, an endless number of combinations.

The crumbs can also be made with wheat flour or with hard bread from the village.

They are served in different way.

This recipe is exquisite, economical and flamenco. But you must know which foods match the crumbs and which do not.

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There are thousand ways to make good crumbs. But in all these different elaborations it is necessary to respect some specific guidelines.

The origin of this food goes back to the first generations of shepherds who are referred to in Spain. These people moved with their animals from one village to another. And they ate crumbs for breakfast.

It has a great similarity with the Muslim ​tharid​, very appreciated in the Andalusian gastronomy.

On this occasion we will tell you the recipe for migas with habas (breadcrumbs with beans). Because together they form an extraordinarily tasty meal.

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The mixture of flavours makes this dish unique.

What do we need?

Hard bread (At least two days and preferably from the village).

1 tender onion.
4 garlic cloves.
Chopped parsley.
250 grams of beans.
50 grams of serrano ham.
Olive oil and salt.

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 ●  First, we must cut the hard bread and crush it well to create a dough, we can use a mixer or other kitchen instrument.

●  To this dough we add the garlic, parsley and salt.

●  Knead for a while, with the intention of crushing and leave it soft.

●  Chop the onion and sauté in a frying pan with plenty of oil until golden brown (3

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or 4 minutes).

●  Then, in the same frying pan, add the tender beans, stirring them with the onion,

if possible with a wooden spoon.

●  Lower the heat to the minimum, add diced ham, and cover the pan for 15

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●  Add oil again to the frying pan, when it gets hot, pour the crumbs with water.

●  For each 100 grams a glass of water approximately. It will depend on the taste

of who sits at the table.

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●  Less water, the dish will be more solid. Then add a little paprika…

And enjoy!

Bon appétit flamencos and flamencas.