Aitana De los Reyes
Bailaora (Dancer)
She was born in El Puerto de Santa María (Cádiz), and she climbed onto a stage for the first time at the age of four, since then she has not stopped dancing. Recognized worldwide as a dancer of pedigree and elegance. She belongs to the family of Los Maya (Negros de Ronda).
Aitana de los Reyes presents herself as a pure gypsy dancer. She is a descendant of the Viejo Agujeras, from the Amaya family (Negros de Ronda). She grew up in El Puerto de Santa Maria (Cadiz) surrounded by flamenco. Her cantaora mother and guitarist father taught her from the cradle the importance of compas. She had not yet learned to walk when she was already entertaining weddings and other types of gypsy celebrations that she attended with her family.
The enthusiasm and talent that Aitana felt intrinsically for flamenco was so strong that it was at the age of four when she first took the stage. She was one of the protagonists of the cast of dancers in the program “Mi primer Ole” of Canal Sur.
The beginnings of this dancer go back to the different gypsy celebrations she attended with her family, going on to collaborate in different Associations or Peñas de Cádiz. In 2008, she was already performing regularly in a tablao called “La Posada del Puerto”. The following year, he performed as a Young Promise of Dance in Cadiz for the “IX JORNADAS DEL AYER, HOY HOY Y EL MAÑANA” (IX JORNADAS DEL AYER, HOY Y EL MAÑANA).
In 2010, she participates in the show “Jóvenes Talentos” in the 7th International Festival of the “Teatro Alhambra” in Geneva (Switzerland). From the age of 13 to 21 years, with this same show, he takes his art to many countries such as Japan, France, Portugal, Germany, Colombia and Palestine. He is part of the cast of the show “Rancapino Chico” referring to his first album “Por mi amor al arte”.
Recognition Award “MUJERES CON LUZ PROPIA” Young Woman for Professional Trajectory (2016).
Course with La Lupi ( Taranto ) from 07-08-2017 to 12-08-2017 in Jerez de la Frontera.
Course with Soraya Clavijo ( Tangos ) from 17-10-2016 to 28-10-2016 in Jerez de la Frontera.
Course with Antonio Canales ( Seguiriyas ) from 17-08-2015 to 22-08-2015 in Jerez de la Frontera.
Course with Domingo Ortega from 15 to 19 August 2011 in Jerez de la Frontera.
Course with Farruquito (from March 9 to March 13, 2009 in Jerez de la Frontera.
Course with Ana María López from 10-09-2007 to 28-05-2008, 120 hours, subsidized by the Junta de Andalucía in Jerez de la Frontera.
Course with La Farruca (Rosario) from the 1st to the 5th of March 2008 in Jerez de la Frontera.
Course with Farruco (Antonio) from 18 to 22 December 2006 in Chipiona.
Participation in the Festival de Jerez, in the Cycle of Peña in “La Buena Gente” and “Torres Macarena” in Seville. In the Provincial Circuit of Peñas organized by the Provincial Federation of Flamenco Peñas in “La Perla de Cadiz”.
Special performance at the FESTIVAL AL KAMANDJATI 2018 in JERUSALEM, PALESTINE. She has combined these world tours with performances in different flamenco corners of recognized prestige in the capital of Spain, such as Tablao Flamenco Cardamomo.
In 2017 she performs in different international flamenco venues such as the “Sala Andaluza” in Tokyo (Japan); or the “Teatro Da Trindade” in Lisbon (Portugal).
In 2016 she dances in different flamenco peñas in her homeland such as “El Pescaero” or “El Palacio del Virrey Laserna” both in Jerez de la Frontera. He travels to the Teatro Mayor in Bogota (Colombia) with the show “Julio Mario Santo Domingo”. This same year, he participates in the “Ciclo flamenco y mestizos” directed by Paco Ortega for the SGAE in Madrid.
He is part of the company Antonio Rey in Wurzburg (Germany), and participates in the show organized by the European Twinning Committee Utrillas-Decazeville, in France. At the same time, he combines all these international performances with numerous shows in his homeland, Andalusia.
Aitana De los Reyes
Bailaora (Dancer)
Alba Heredia (Granada)
Bailaora (Dancer)
Alfonso Losa (Madrid)
Bailaor (Dancer)
Aloma de Balma (Madrid)
Bailaora (Dancer)
Amós Lora (Salamanca)
Ángela Españadero (Madrid)
Bailaora (Dancer)
Antonio Canales
Bailaor (Dancer)
Antonio “El Ciervo” (Madrid)
Cantaor (Singer)
Antonio Fernández (Barcelona)
Cantaor (Singer)
Antonio Jiménez
Atenea Toro
Bailaora (Dancer)
Aurora Losada (Madrid)
Cantaora (Singer)
Auxi Fernández (Cádiz)
Bailaora (Dancer)
Camarón de Pitita (Madrid)
Carla Horta
Bailaora (Dancer)
Carlos Velázquez (Madrid)
Bailaor (Dancer)
Carmen Young
Bailaora (Dancer)
Choro Molina
Bailaor (Dancer)
Claudia Cruz (Cádiz)
Bailaora (Dancer)
Claudia de Utrera
Bailaora (Dancer)
Costi “El Chato”
Bailaor (Dancer)
Cristian Pérez (Madrid)
Bailaor (Dancer)
Cristina Prado Carrasco
Bailaora (Dancer)
Curro de Candela (Madrid)
Bailaor (Dancer)
Cynthia Cano
Bailaora (Dancer)
Daniel Caballero
Bailaor (Dancer)
Daniel Navarro
Bailaor (Dancer)
David Jiménez
Diego Amador Junior
Cantaor (Singer)
El Cancu
Cantaor (Singer)
«El Farru»
Bailaor (Dancer)
El Tachu (Madrid)
Bailaor (Dancer)
El Tete
Bailaor (Dancer)
El Yiyo
Bailaor (Dancer)
Eleazar Cerreduela
Cantaor (Singer)
Enrique “El Piculabe” (Madrid)
Cantaor (Singer)
Estefanía Narváez
Bailaora (Dancer)
Bailaor (Dancer)
Gabriel de la Tomasa
Cantaor (Singer)
Gema Moneo
Bailaora (Dancer)
Gio Vilariño
Bailaora (Dancer)
Illeana Gómez
Bailaora (Dancer)
Irene Correa (Madrid)
Bailaora (Dancer)
Irene “La Sentío” (Sevilla)
Bailaora (Dancer)
Irene Morales
Bailaora (Dancer)
Ismael de la Rosa “El Bola”
Cantaor (Singer)
Iván Losada (Madrid)
Jacob Quirós
Cantaor (Singer)
Jesús de Rosario
Joni Jiménez (Madrid)
José del Calli
Cantaor (Singer)
José Escarpín
Bailaor (Dancer)
José Gómez Carmona “Rapico” (Mallorca)
Bailaor (Dancer)
José Jiménez “El Bocadillo”
Bailaor (Dancer)
Jose Losada
José Maya
Bailaor (Dancer)
Juan Carlos Quirós (Madrid)
Juan de Juan
Bailaor (Dancer)
Juan Fernández Montoya, “Barullo”
Bailaor (Dancer)
Juan Jiménez Abadía (Madrid)
Juan José Villar
Bailaor (Dancer)
Juan Ramírez
Bailaor (Dancer)
Juana Amaya
Bailaora (Dancer)
Karime Amaya
Bailaora (Dancer)
Kelián Jiménez (Madrid)
Bailaor (Dancer)
Kilino Jiménez
Laura Abadía
Cantaora (Singer)
Laura Fúnez
Bailaora (Dancer)
Lisi Sfair (Caxias do sul)
Bailaora (Dancer)
Lucía la Flaca
Bailaora (Dancer)
Lucía Pedros
Bailaora (Dancer)
Lucky Losada
Luis Miguel Manzano
Luisa Muñoz
Cantaora (Singer)
Macarena Ramírez (Cádiz)
Bailaora (Dancer)
Manuel Jiménez
Bailaor (Dancer)
Manuel Tañié
Cantaor (Singer)
Mar Rodríguez
María Carmona
Cantaora (Singer)
María Mezcle
Cantaora (Singer)
María Reyes
Bailaora (Dancer)
Mariano Lozano
Bailaor (Dancer)
Marina Perea (Málaga)
Bailaora (Dancer)
Marina Valiente
Bailaora (Dancer)
Mario Montoya
Miguel “El Rubio”
Bailaor (Dancer)
Miguel Tellez (Jerez)
Bailaor (Dancer)
Mónica Fernández (Barcelona)
Bailaora (Dancer)
“Morenito de Illora”
Cantaor (Singer)
Nazaret Reyes (Sevilla)
Bailaora (Dancer)
Nerea Domínguez
Bailaora (Dancer)
Nerea Fernández
Bailaora (Dancer)
Noelia Ruiz
Bailaora (Dancer)
Olga Llorente
Bailaora (Dancer)
Pablo Fraile
Bailaor (Dancer)
Paco Soto (Murcia)
Paloma Fantova (Cádiz)
Bailaora (Dancer)
Pastora Galván
Bailaora (Dancer)
Patricia Donn
Bailaora (Dancer)
Paula Moreno
Bailaora (Dancer)
Paula Rodríguez Lázaro
Bailaora (Dancer)
Pedro Jiménez “Perrete”
Cantaor (Singer)
Pepe Torres
Bailaor (Dancer)
Pilar Díaz
Bailaora (Dancer)
Pol Vaquero (Córdoba)
Bailaor (Dancer)
Rafita de Madrid (Madrid)
Cantaor (Singer)
Raquela Ortega (Madrid)
Bailaora (Dancer)
Remedios Amaya
Cantaora (Singer)
Ricardo Vázquez
Rober “El Moreno” (Madrid)
Bailaor (Dancer)
Salomé Ramírez
Bailaora (Dancer)
Saray Fernández “La Pitita” (Granada)
Bailaora (Dancer)
Saray García
Bailaora (Dancer)
Saúl Quirós
Cantaor (Singer)
Sonia Cortés (Madrid)
Cantaora (Singer)
Triana Maciel
Bailaora (Dancer)
Vaky Losada (Madrid)
Vanesa Coloma
Bailaora (Dancer)
Yaiza Trigo
Bailaora (Dancer)
Yerai Cortés
Yoni, «El Remache»
Bailaor (Dancer)