Miguel El Rubio en el Tablao Flamenco Cardamomo en Madrid

Miguel El Rubio

Buy tickets for the best flamenco show in Madrid

Miguel El Rubio from September 30 to October 3.

Miguel Angel Ramos “El Rubio” is a young Sevillian bailaor who has grown up surrounded by flamenco art. At just 5 years old he made his debut in the show “Los gnomos del flamenco directed by Antonio Fernandez Montoya” Farru “.

At the age of 8 he participated for the first time in the Seville Flamenco Biennial with Triana Pura.

He has toured numerous stages of the Spanish geography accompanied by artists of the stature of the Fernández family, Rocío Molina, Pastora Galván, Remedios Amaya, Manuel Moreno Maya “El Pele”, among others.

Rocío Molina:

Buy tickets for the best flamenco show in Madrid

“I would highlight the elegance and class that it has. What I like a lot about Rubio is that it is a relaxed content, it is not tense content, but rather tasty. I liked it a lot the other time I was in the tablao watching it, I really liked how He danced the lyrics, he listens to them in a relaxed way and collected them very beautifully, with a lot of wisdom and elegance, but with a lot of flavor too. So, I like that school that it has, it moves with a lot of discretion and sweetness. Apart from the fact that the child is very good clapping too. He is discreet, but calm and calm, as if agreeing with himself, which is what I think makes his dance beautiful. “

He will be accompanied by the dancers Paula Rodríguez (Premio Desplante Femenino 2021), Macarena Ramírez and Lisi Sfair.

You cannot miss it, in Cardamomo.

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