Interview with Alba Heredia: Flamenco and Life.

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The Sacromonte saga with the Madrid flamenco.

The Sacromonte flamenco dancer Alba Heredia, who belongs to the most important flamenco dynasties of the world, The Maya’s, is also one of the regular dancers in Cardamomo Tablao Flamenco. 

Flamenco is my life, my style and my lifestyle.

She started to dance with only 4 years old in La Cueva de la Rocío without thinking that this art will later will become in her job. In 2015, she won the Desplante del Cante de Minas price.

Alba has been in the most important stages all around the world without forgetting her roots or her humility.

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Dancing is like having an armour where you can express the feelings that ashame or scares you.

Flamenco is also present in her marriage. Alba Heredia and Rober El Moreno has been married since summer 2019 (A few months before this interview). In their eyes and their words, you can see the mutual admiration that this couple of artists have.

We support each other a lot, we work very well together.

Both, Rober El Moreno and alba Heredia belong to the regular dancers of Cardamomo Tablao Flamenco. Every night, they share with the audience their amazing talent and an unbelievable complicity.

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You can see the full interview in the link “watch video”.

My mother is a singer, she sings and dances. I used to see her learning a lyric to sing and I put behind her dancing. Further, I have a funny picture of me dancing with a tambourine when I was two.   

It all started like a game. I was a girl in the cave, where I used to live and when I was 2 or 3 years old, I felt it like a game.

My mother used to punish me “You won’t dance today, you won’t go to the cave today”. My punish when I had bad behavior was that: “I take off your dancing shoes”.

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It has always been my lifestyle: I went to the school, then I had rehearsal, perform in the cave and to my home… that was my life.

I’ve been coming to Madrid since I was seven years old. I brought my books, called my collegues, they gave me my homework and I made it here.

Flamenco is my life, my style, my way of living. I also liked to study, I wanted to be a lawyer, I made the tests and started the career but there was a time when I could not do both things anymore and I chose Flamenco. 

Flamenco styles: Each style, or also called “palo” has a way to canalize my feelings. It depends on how was your day, you would prefer to dance one style than the other. When I’m sad, I prefer to dance a “Soleá” because is a sad and cold style. Tangos are a little more sweet and bulerías are like a party style. 

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Also, when you have a big pain…For example, I lost my grandfather a few days ago, it was a huge lost because he was very important to me and I got noticed while I was working here in Caradamomo. In that moment, I though and what about my performance now? you can not dance a happy style like bulerias or alegrias. 

However, on that moment I could dance by seguiriyas, which are a regret, a way to express that you are broken. 

Dancing is like covering your feelings, you share through your dance everything that scares you, flamenco let you express everything.

How is the Cardamomo show prepared? 

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They give us “free reign” to the artists, whats does that mean? That we are backstage and Laura (the artistic director) asks us what do we prefer to dance that night? The performance is already structured but every night Laura asks us what do we prefer, so that is what we choose acording to our feelings. We are a family here in Cardamomo.

A Flamenco marriage

I can tell you about my relationship with a flamenco dancer because it is really incredible!

Nowadays, I am lucky to say that we work together, support each other, we get along and admire each other a lot.

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How do you see you in the future?

Always doing my best. With effort and commitment. That is what I do day after day and this is my way to canalize my feelings: my joys and my pains… fighting for the lifestyle that flamenco represents for me, it is not a hobby, it is a way of living that starts everyday when we get up until we go to sleep every night. 

I really wish that from here to ten, twenty or fifty years I can keep doing the thing I love the most…. Flamenco.