Mother’s Day in Cardamomo

Cardamomo Tablao Flamenco programs renewed live shows with flamenco paintings by up to 10 artists on stage. Masters of the Spanish guitar and percussion, prestigious singers, dancers and female dancers daily capture the enthusiasm of the public with the excellence of their flamenco passion. It is the only flamenco tablao in Madrid recommended by The New York Times. On the occasion of Mother’s Day, Laura Abadía (cantaora) and Paula Rodríguez (bailaora) share with us their vision and experience about motherhood and Flamenco. We invite everyone to come and celebrate Mother’s Day with us, which is going to be a beautiful day, full of emotions and love. That we are going to receive you with great affection, and we are going to take all your girls and make them dance with us. What was it like being a mother for the first time? The first time I was a mother, well, it was spectacular. Because, well, I was already singing. I was already an artist before I got pregnant. And we traveled all over the world, but on one of the trips, I started to feel bad, to feel bad And I say: “Mom, what’s wrong with me? what’s happening to me?” “Come home, you’re pregnant.” I continued singing because, luckily, we cantaoras can sing, even if we are nine months old, it doesn’t matter. Man, it bothers you a bit from the effort, but it’s not the same as if you dance. Bailaora and mother, is she compatible? I have many colleagues who have done it, whether you do it when you are younger or older. Obviously there is a stage in your life where you have to stop, especially dancing. You can have that year of standing up and then, well, look, I have seen many mothers who have had them in the dressing room, have breastfed them and have gone out to dance. And I have a lot of friends who have done it that way. So, yes you can.

But, you have to set aside, like all women in the world, a time of your life, and then recover. Take care of ourselves, because it is true that for better or for worse, we are also athletes. So to regain the body and the shape that you had before, you have to take care of yourself. But let them find a way to be mothers and workers in flamenco, which can also be done. It is always said that a woman does not dance the same before becoming a mother, as after. Because you go through a series of experiences that, really, can later be expressed in your dance. Will they follow your steps? And they liked it, come on, from the gut. Well, they were little, they cried, David played the guitar for them and they kept quiet. In other words, it is a way of life from my womb, it is a way of life that they have led. And, in fact, they will also dedicate themselves to the world of the artisteo, because they love it. On the one hand, of course the most emotional and impulsive part, I would love for my daughter to be a bailaora to be able to help her everything that, perhaps, my parents have not been able to do with me, because they have not been. And, of course, imagine what pride. And on the other hand too, because whatever she likes, I’ll be delighted. Because the truth is that first is what a person wants. As they have done with me. And he sang to them, for example: “Being with your presence is my delight, my love. Being by your side makes me happy. My love, you are my everything. What more can I ask for … “

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