Experience the energy of flamenco like never before, so close that you will be part of the show.
PURE FLAMENCO. The most exclusive flamenco show in Madrid
4 daily shows with weekly programming
Since 1994. Meeting place for the greats of flamenco
The most exclusive tablao. Smaller capacity and closer proximity to the artist
With a weekly programme that presents the best artists on the world flamenco scene. More than 8 artists on stage display the purest flamenco
Cardamomo offers 4 daily passes with different shows and artists every week
Located in Madrid’s historic center, just steps from Puerta del Sol, the exclusive Canalejas mall and the famous Plaza de Santa Ana.
Everyone is welcome at Cardamomo. Find out about children’s tickets, more accessible seats or tickets for residents.
You can live the experience like a true Madrilenian and complete the flamenco experience with a selection of tapas.
Taste a selection of typical and quality tapas, while enjoying more pure flamenco.
One of the better flamenco stages in town, Cardamomo draws more tourists than aficionados, but the flamenco is top notch.
— Lonely Planet
I used to always imagine flamenco as this passionate dance that took place in darkened stages. During a recent trip to Spain I finally got the chance to visit a Tablao Flamenco. I was happy to see that it was everything I always imagined and even more.
— Marina Kuperman, travelingmom.com
“Cardamomo is dark, tight, and as the clouds formed inside, and the dancing and wailing began, the rooms became filled with energy. Each of the dancers interpreted the music, as they saw fit, and you felt that you were watching the creation of a dance, every time a new dancer started…dancers entered trances, clicked, and clocked, rapped with the guitarists, all the while the singers added their inspiration to the cause. The dancers, while on this small stage, commanded the audience, and it was a treat to watch them walk off the stage with all humbleness, after being musical assassins on stage.”
— Dave R, TripAdvisor
“Our first flamencoshow, and we were really blown away! Very intense and fascinating. We highly recommend it. A small, intimate place with very friendly staff. We only had drinks, but the food looked really nice.”
— Bobr12, TripAdvisor
Cardamomo is definitely one of the best flamenco shows in Madrid.
— Spanishsabores.com
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