What they say about us

Descubre lo que dicen quienes ya vivieron la magia de nuestro tablao

« He vivido una experiencia maravillosa, los cantaores, los guitarristas, los bailarines te permiten vivir un sueño con su espectáculo. La atención insuperable y la cena deliciosa!! Les invito a visitar este sitio, realmente espectacular. Gracias por permitir lograr un sueño. »

« Qué espectáculo. España en estado puro. No se lo pierdan. La pasión que desprenden los bailarines es exactamente lo que uno espera de un show de flamenco. Me sorprendió el lugar. Pensaba que el flamenco sólo era de Andalucía y no es así. Visítenlo. »

« El mejor flamenco en Madrid. Yo los he visto todos por cuestiones profesionales y es la primera vez que uno me gusta y me impacta. por primera vez he visto un espectáculo de flamenco para todo el mundo, no dirigido a turistas. Paloma Fantova soberbia y Kelian Jiménez lleno de fuerza. Un gran espectáculo para pasar una velada. »

Compra entradas para el mejor show flamenco de Madrid

« Our first flamencoshow, and we were really blown away! Very intense and fascinating. We highly recommend it. A small, intimate place with very friendly staff. We only had drinks, but the food looked really nice. »

« Estupendo show, flamenco de verdad, sin dramas ni estilos impostados, en este show los que bailan, son flamencos de verdad. El mejor bailaor masculino que he visto en años. Las chicas impresionantes. Fue tan bueno que repetí. »

« Cardamomo is dark, tight, and as the clouds formed inside, and the dancing and wailing began, the rooms became filled with energy. Each of the dancers interpreted the music, as they saw fit, and you felt that you were watching the creation of a dance, every time a new dancer started…dancers entered trances, clicked, and clocked, rapped with the guitarists, all the while the singers added their inspiration to the cause. The dancers, while on this small stage, commanded the audience, and it was a treat to watch them walk off the stage with all humbleness, after being musical assassins on stage. »

« Considerado por los ‘connoisseurs’ como el corazón y alma del flamenco en Madrid, El Cardamomo es un tablao intimo y acogedor donde vivir la pasión del flamenco autentico. Seleccionado por el New York Times en su artículo “36 horas en Madrid” y recomendado por el Guardian como el tablao donde los grandes del flamenco se sienten en casa. »

Compra entradas para el mejor show flamenco de Madrid

« This was way above and beyond my expectations! Loved the venue and the open sangria bar with the last show! They have a great venue and it’s very exciting to watch the amazing flamenco dancers do their magic!! »

« Me and four of my friends went here to enjoy our first taste of Flamenco. Flamenco, if you don’t know, started as an expression to poetry. There is soulful signing, clapping, snapping and when the dancers begin their performance the emotion and power is intense. We went to the 8 pm performance and all really enjoyed it. I would recommend. »

« Lovely intimate venue with a good view of the stage. Great performers who are clearly passionate and inspiring. Wonderful first experience of flamenco. At just under an hour, it’s a lovely taste of flamenco. »

I used to always imagine flamenco as this passionate dance that took place in darkened stages. During a recent trip to Spain I finally got the chance to visit a Tablao Flamenco. I was happy to see that it was everything I always imagined and even more.

Compra entradas para el mejor show flamenco de Madrid

All the spontaneity and raw passion of flamenco where a knowledgeable crowd gathers for live performances many weeknights from around 10.30pm. It’s all about a cantaor (flamenco singer) and guitar maestro, and this evocation of flamenco’s Andalusian roots ensures that Cardamomo is where the great flamenco performers really feel at home.

One of the better flamenco stages in town, Cardamomo draws more tourists than aficionados, but the flamenco is top notch.

Live music is thriving in Madrid, from classical and opera to blues, rock and jazz, but the speciality is flamenco. It may seem odd that the music of the south is so important up here, but there are two reasons for that: first, a lot of Andalusians have made their homes here, and second, any flamenco artist worth his salt wants to play the big tablaos — dinner shows — in el capital. Cardamomo is the real deal, catering to a crowd that knows its bulerias from its soleas. There are three sessions a night, at 6pm, 8pm and 10pm, and, obviously, you’ll go to the latter.

Madrid has its fair share of tablaos (flamenco venues). Cardamomo is one not to miss. What is a visit to Madrid without some traditional entertainment? You are assured of this at Cardamomo.

Compra entradas para el mejor show flamenco de Madrid

Cardamomo is definitely one of the best flamenco shows in Madrid.

Désolé, cet article est seulement disponible en Español, English et Русский.

4.6 Google 3771 reviews
4.6 Tripadvisor 2750 reviews
5.0 FlamencoMadrid
Cardamomo - Certificates of excellence
Cardamomo - New York times

The only flamenco tablao in Madrid recommended by the New York Times.

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