Farruquito en Cardamomo 2023

Farruquito returns to Cardamomo in December

Compra entradas para el mejor show flamenco de Madrid

Enjoy a special show with the best flamenco dancer!

Farruquito is considered by professionals and critics as the greatest exponent of the current flamenco art. Regardless of his branch, artists dedicated to flamenco agree on one thing; he is unique.

Heir to the school of his grandfather “Farruco“, Juan Manuel Fernandez continues his legacy by taking it all over the world. His style of dance marked an era in the way of doing and understanding flamenco on stage. From his expressiveness to his movements, Farruquito is a bailaor who understands dance and flamenco in a global way.

Like any good artist worth his salt, the “captain” is a true lover of flamenco culture and music in all its expressions. Art is a constant in his life. Since his birth, he has been in contact with flamenco through his family, at home and on stage. He progressively became more and more professional until he made his international debut at the age of twelve.

Unique tablao show 

Cardamomo is formed by a large family of artists and professionals who will accompany you to live a unique experience that you will take a long time to forget. A space with reduced capacity that is a challenge for all artists. A stage where they can undress, demonstrate and transmit all their art.

Compra entradas para el mejor show flamenco de Madrid

It is a privilege to have Farruquito in our tablao. An artist who becomes bigger on stage and inspires. A dancer who connects and creates magic through his movements.

Discover more curiosities about Farruquito by clicking here!

“Farruco’s legacy”

The style of dance coming from his grandfather’s school, has created doctrine. All the artists look at his way of understanding flamenco dance. Farruquito pursues a search for the sensations and feelings that flamenco music transmits, transmitting them through his dance. Juan Fernandez is improvisation, grit and humility.

His ability to improvise is achieved through the feelings that singers and guitarists transmit with their lyrics and melodies. Farruquito has been preparing himself throughout his life to learn the flamenco language and make it his own. In this way he creates different sensations in the spectator through his way of improvising. He always considers that “a choreography can be beautiful, but it is equally or more important to tell what you feel at each moment”.

Compra entradas para el mejor show flamenco de Madrid


Great figures of flamenco

This show is part of our cycle of “Great figures of flamenco”.

In Cardamomo we periodically receive the visit of the best artists of the Spanish flamenco scene. From Cadiz, Seville or Granada to Barcelona, passing through Madrid, we have the pleasure of making them feel at home.

Here you can find some of the last editions of this cycle.

Compra entradas para el mejor show flamenco de Madrid


El Farru

Antonio Fernández Montoya, better known as “El Farru”, was born in Seville in 1988, son of the singer Juan “El Moreno” and the dancer “La Farruca“, brother of the dancer “Farruquito” and grandson of “Farruco“. Together with his brother, he is one of the great exponents of his grandfather’s dance school.

Learn more about this dancer here!

Compra entradas para el mejor show flamenco de Madrid

Fuensanta ‘La Moneta

Fuensanta Fresneda Galera, ‘la Moneta’, comes from Granada. This city, which has contributed so much to flamenco, is a marker in the dance of this great star. A wild style but contemporary to our time. You can learn more about this great artist through her interview.

Juan de Juan

A dancer from Seville who has represented the seal of Morón de la Frontera since he was 16 years old. He has danced in the most important theaters in Spain and the world. It is therefore a pride to have his presence in our tablao. Through his interview you can learn more about his experience in flamenco.


Take the opportunity and book your tickets now!

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